Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How much does a course of prescription antibiotics cost?

(in england)How much does a course of prescription antibiotics cost?
An NHS prescription, irrespective of drug or quantity is £6.85. ( unless you fall in to one of the exemption categories.)
It depends on the antibiotic, how long it is ordered for, the strength of the drug and whether they give you brand name or generic.
It would depend on the length of the course, and the type of antibiotic. Some are much more expensive than others, and a 5 day course would be less then a 10 day or 30 day course.
Depends on the antibiotic, there's a wide range of cost and types.
probably less than you think.
anywhere between £7 & £20.
depending on how many days, they've been prescribed for.
at the moment, the NHS is receiving many generic drugs free of charge, following the revelations that Drugs companies have been consistently over-charging for drugs for the passed 6-7 years!
Cross da border in2 Wales, its free, n u get a holiday. :)

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