Sunday, October 17, 2010

How long would it take for approx 53 lorazepam tablets to get into the bloodstream and what would happen?

I am researching this topic as a man died and was found to have 0.75 milligrams of lorazpepam in his bloodstream at autopsy. I want to know how long it would of taken the tablets to hit his bloodstream, how long it would be present for roughly and what the effect of such a dose would of been. Obviously as mentioned he did die, but the drugs were only part of the cause. He also had none present in his urine, is this normal? Thanks any help given will be a massive help.How long would it take for approx 53 lorazepam tablets to get into the bloodstream and what would happen?
It only takes 15 minutes to get in the blood stream and it stays going 6-10 hours. He would of loss consciousness with that amount within 30 minutes.
It metabolized in liver. (Stayed) If it was not present in urine, he died quickly after ingestion.
And it is common not to be in the urine if they died very fast.
try researching it on
DON'T TRY IT! Call the suicide hotline if you are thinking of harming yourself.
Onset is 15-20 minutes and duration of action is 6-10 hours. Suppression of consciousness or coma. Metabolized in liver. If not present in urine, he died quickly after ingestion or administration.
53 tablets of lorazepam would be enough to kill anyone.
20 minutes and fatal within an hour. Unfortunately it would be normal for this to happen so there would not be time for kidney excretion.

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