Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How many surgeries have u had?

I have had only three surgeries in my life (all on my hand) how many have u had?How many surgeries have u had?
15 to date, including two returns to theatre for post operative haemorrhage.
I have had (are we counting dental extractions?...4 wisdom teeth)...7..including a kidney transplant.
0, 0, and like it to be that way =D.
seven surgeries
Two I believe; once when I was two years old to have my tonsils out, and the second just last year for all four wisdom teeth.
Boy, was THAT fun.
i have had these surgeries: carpal tunnel surgery on right hand, 4 wisdom teeth cut out, adnoids removed, tonsils removed (both diff times), 2 c-sections, 1 female surgery, thats enough for me
5 ops wisdom teeth out plus two women ops and two c-sections
I have had two, my tonsils when I was 3 & a thymoma removed from my chest when I was 16. I'm now 46 & doing great.

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