Sunday, October 17, 2010

How many calories do celebrities like Ashley Olson eat a day?

I am doing a school project on the media heath I decided to research Ashley Olson include exercise in your answer too!
ThanksHow many calories do celebrities like Ashley Olson eat a day?
celebrities exercise a staggering amount. I've heard that some of them say they exercise for 6 hours a day, doing things like intense kickboxing, pilates, yoga, circuit trainging...but they all have really good, really expensive personal trainers who adjust their exercise for thier abiliteis and body type.
They also have personal chefs and strict, no excuses meal plans. These people are pretty much paid to look good, so that's thier lifestyle. Non celebrity people don't have that kind of time or help on their hands.
she doesnt eat any calories is my guess!
Barely enough to survive.
I believe the Ashley Olson Diet Plan allows for about 12 calories per day. You can adjust this based on how many miles you run.
my guess would be around 800
possibly not much---assumming that she even eats food on a daily basis!

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